The Director: Katharina Megli

Katharina was raised in a tightly-knit Mennonite community in Alberta, Canada, where singing, and particularly choral singing, was part of every occasion. After completing a Bachelor of Music degree at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Katharina attended the opera course for two years at the International Mozarteum Summer Academy in Salzburg, Austria.
As a professional singer, she performed roles with the Canadian Opera Company in Toronto and the Stratford Festival as well as the Edmonton, Calgary, Winnipeg and Vancouver Opera Companies. She also appeared with the Chicago and Toronto Symphony Orchestras and sang the role of Carmen in Peter Brook’s version of Bizet’s opera on Broadway.
Katharina is a gifted and inspirational singing teacher with a busy private practice in Cambridge. She gives regular master classes and also conducts vocal workshops for community choirs. A graduate of Lucy Cavendish College, where she read History and Political Thought, Katharina founded the Lucy Cavendish Singers in 2008. She set, adapted or arranged for women’s voices much of the music performed by the Singers. Katharina enjoys giving recitals of German and Spanish songs, and operatic arias with pianist Ilga Pitkevica.